VetRec provides a Chrome Extension. Download from Chrome Store.
We recommend you "Pin" the VetRec chrome extension so it is as easy as possible to access for vets when they need to use it side by side with their PiMS. This can be done by clicking the puzzle piece on the top right of your chrome browser and then clicking the "Pin" icon next to VetRec so it turns blue. Once this is done, you will see VetRec appear in the task bar for easy access:
Once downloaded and installed, you will be prompted to Sign In. The Sign In process will open the main VetRec web application where you will sign in. Once Signed In, you can refresh the extension using the Refresh button.
Once refreshed, you will need to enable your microphone to work with the Chrome Extension. Press the Enable Microphone button.
A new tab will open where you should select Allow While Visiting the Site
Once done the extension will be fully set up. Go to All Visits to see all your visits.