VetRec provides a growing set of controls that be turned on and off to allow users to customize behaviors for various aspects of VetRec like Notes and Templates. To change controls, simply navigate to Settings on the left navigation pane and go to the Account tab. There under Controls you will find all the controls.
Controls available:
Note Configurations
Signature: Controls how you would like your name displayed in exported documents (e.g., downloaded notes, customer documents and recaps).
Note: By default, this is the "Dr. <Full Name>" for members who have the Doctor role and just "<Full Name>" for all others. Learn more about member roles.
Copy Behavior: This controls allows users to change copy behavior on VetRec between Plain text and **Markdown** text. Depending on the PiMS being used, this behavior can ensure styling is properly moved between VetRec and the PiMS.
Default Notes Language: Default language used to generate notes.
Template Configurations
Pre-built Templates: This controls allows users to remove pre-built templates provided by VetRec. This ensure that only the templates created by users and admins are enabled for the organization.
Note: this setting is ignored if the admin disables this for the team