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Configuring Template For Vetspire

Learn how to ensure your templates are configured for Vetspire export

David de Matheu avatar
Written by David de Matheu
Updated over a month ago

To ensure the best export experience, it is key to configure VetRec Templates correctly.

Choosing an Export Behavior

VetRec support multiple export types for notes to Vetspire:




Creates or updates an existing patient encounter on Vetspire. This is the default behavior for all notes. To ensure best experience with encounter exports, read below for the setup recommendations.

Quick note

Creates a new quick notes under the patient's profile. To define a note to export as a Quick Note, you must configure the template as such.


Attaches the notes as a PDF within an existing encounter. To define a note to export as an attachment, you must configure the template as such.

To configure, go to the template Settings > Integrations.

In the modal, choose Vetspire in the PiMS Picker. Then select the Mapping:

Configure Template for Quick Note and Attachment Export

No additional configuration is required for for Quick Note and Attachment exports.

Configure Template for Encounter Export

To ensure export for encounters work perfectly, you should ensure sections and entries are mapped correctly. This simply looks to match the titles and subtitles for sections and entries within Vetspire so VetRec can know where to put what information.


VetRec's export capabilities assume that you have correctly named sections to match the equivalent section in Vetspire. For example if you have a Subjective section like this one in Vetspire:

Ensure you name your VetRec section the same:


If you Vetspire section has entries, ensure that you also match the names of those entries to those on VetRec. For example if you have an objective section in Vetspire like this one:

Ensure you match the names of the entries in VetRec:

  • Eyes -> Eyes

  • Ears -> Ears

  • ....


Vetspire supports the following fields for vitals:







Heart Rate


Respiratory Rate




Pain Score


MM (Mucous Membranes)


CRT (Capillary Refill)


To ensure proper export of vitals information from VetRec into Vetspire, ensure to follow these key instructions:

  • Separate Vitals information into its own section with a VetRec template. Section should be called Vitals.

  • You can use our built-in section provided.

  • To properly map fields, ensure that Weight, Temperature, Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate and Pain Score are all set to entry type Number. Vetspire will only accept this values as numbers. Other fields like MM, CRT and Attitude can be left as Paragraph.

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